Directed by Brent Baird
Stan, a womanizing alcoholic is kicked out of his house and is relocated to sleep in his pickup truck. He goes out to blow off some steam and has an encounter with another woman at a local bar, ending the night at her house. The next morning her son Nathan (33) comically and awkwardly introduces himself to Stan while Stan is still in his mom's bed. A few days pass and Nathan tracks Stan down to return his driver's license that was drunkenly left behind. When Nathan finds Stan asleep in his truck, he tries and fails to convince Stan's wife to forgive him. Nathan asks Stan to go out for "Just one beer" and get his advice on women. Nathan reveals that he has never had a girlfriend and that he gets nervous around women. Stan takes him under his wing to show him the ropes. The rest of the night is a series of failed attempts to find Nathan the woman of his dreams. Once Nathan reveals why he has never had a girlfriend, Stan must decide whether to keep the night going or take a deeper look into himself.
A Night with Nathan is a heart-felt comedic drama that will take you through the ups and downs of two broken men who may have more in common than they think.